massage hands placed on clients back


Myotherapy is a powerful physical health modality that highlights root causes of pain in your body, and applies both massage and physical therapy techniques to help your body grow stronger and feel better - both short-term and long-term.

For those who struggle with chronic pain, knowing the root cause of what ails you is the first step to living a life with better physical ease and health. By helping you to understand the contributing factors of your pain, and providing you with a treatment tailored to your lifestyle and health goals, I can help you find relief from pain, ease with movement, all while providing a safe space where you feel understood and supported.

Myotherapy can be used to treat many different conditions or types of pain, including:

  • Fibromyalgia

  • Shoulder tension/pain

  • Back pain

  • Sciatica

  • Whiplash

  • Jaw pain from clenching/grinding

  • Headaches

  • Neck pain

  • Muscle soreness from physical labour / exercise

For many people, chronic pain and other muscular and joint issues have a host of contributing factors: including lifestyle, your occupation, and even unprocessed emotions deeply held within the body. Myotherapy is a holistic approach to identifying the root causes of your pain, and providing you with the right physical treatments, as well as a space where you feel heard, safe, and calm, to meet your long-term health goals.

By identifying and working towards your goals, Lauren empowers you to explore ways to restore both function, as well as ease and enjoyment.

Whether you suffer from chronic pain from a past injury, clench your jaw because of stress and tension held in your body, or any conditions similar to the list above:

"Lauren can guide you through understanding your body, and how to release and relieve tension - without popping pills."

  • Like they finally enjoy life again - they can restart hobbies, play with their kids, and go about their day without pain ruling over them

  • Heard, understood, relieved at finally having answers to why they’re in pain, and how to solve it

  • That they finally have a safe space, a retreat, to take a breather from the busy hustle and grind of life

  • A greater sense of calm, reduced anxiety, and more restorative sleep

  • That someone is on their team, believes them, and will do everything they can to support them

Myotherapy can be claimed under Private Health Extras Cover.

Lauren is also available to support NDIS participants with their health goals, please reach out for more information.

Lauren’s Myotherapy clients report feeling:

Feminine Embodiment Coaching

I’m here for the women who’ve already spent hours pouring over the self-help books, seen numerous psychologists/counsellors, and are deeply passionate about personal development. For many women, oftentimes the knowledge doesn’t translate into realised change. This is where I come in - Feminine Embodiment Coaching (FEC) is the modality I use to help you transform your knowledge into felt power in your body, translating into a changed life. 

FEC is a style of coaching in which you’re guided to quieten down your mind, in order to tune in with your body. By focussing on your body, we can somatically (with your body) work through and process any challenge you’re going through. 

The truth is, your body has a great deal of wisdom and truth. It’s learned with you throughout your life, storing memories, energy, and feelings deep within your cells. When we quieten our mind, we can honour the truth within us that’s held by our body. By accessing how your body feels about a particular situation or challenge, you can then be led by your inner wisdom and truth to move through it, and reach your goals. 

This is a radical approach in our modern world today - when we’re encouraged to put so much emphasis on what we think, rather than on what we feel. The truth is, our body knows as much about what’s good for us as our brain does. Tapping into this inner wisdom has a transformative effect - on your mind, thoughts, feelings, and reality. 

FEC also helps you uncover the full spectrum of you as a person: no more shying away from unpleasant or awkward feelings, or memories of times where we didn’t feel good enough, didn’t stand up for ourselves, and dishonoured our values.

When you practise FEC, you can:

  • Learn to listen to what your body has to say, rather than being ‘stuck’ in your head

  • Slow down with ease, calm, and connectedness with your body

  • Process a situation or challenge in a safe, self-honouring way

  • Access and identify the truth within you, and be able to name how you really feel about it

  • Go within to learn who you truly are, so that your life is a reflection of your true values and character 

For many of Lauren’s FEC clients, they report feeling a greater sense of self - clarity around who they really are. They lose the shame and guilt that comes from asking for what they need - instead, they are deeply connected to who they are, their values, and their needs. 

They find it easy to set boundaries, because they’re finally clear on what they are and aren’t comfortable with. They have a heightened sense of self-worth, fuelled by a connectedness with themselves on a deeper, more meaningful level.

And best of all, they feel like they have the power to finally create and live a life on their terms - they live for no one else.

The Immersion

Lauren’s Immersion treatments are a wildly powerful combination of both Myotherapy and Feminine Embodiment Coaching (FEC). By drawing on both modalities, Lauren guides you to a state of calm, relaxation, and ease. 

For many women, being able to receive, isn’t easy. We often put the needs of others first, to the detriment of ourselves. This can leave us feeling tense, disappointed, empty, lost, or stuck in our own lives. 

I’m here to change that - I’m here to help you. 

Through immersion, you’re able to know and connect with the innermost parts of you - yes, all of you - because all of you deserves to be known, loved, and honoured. 

Engaging with immersion means having a space to finally breathe. To be your true self, without the distractions or stress of daily life. It means learning how to receive - fully surrendering and allowing your body and mind to be honoured, cherished, and supported, by another woman who 100% gets it, because she used to be exactly where you are today. 

If you’re ready to stop being in survival mode constantly - as if life is just a hamster wheel with no end in sight - immersion could be the perfect thing for you. 

I invite you to come as you are - without fear of judgement, knowing you’ll be supported and guided every step of the way. I invite you to start this journey of connection, calm, and self-love. 

  • They’re able to speak up for themselves and what they want/need

  • They trust themselves - for the first time in decades

  • They feel like they know who they really are - there’s no stranger in the mirror anymore

  • Their wounds have been transformed into wisdom; they don’t hold them back, they empower them

  • They deeply and completely love and accept themselves for who they are

  • Each session brings more access to inner power, pleasure, and clarity, as well as the ability to amplify it

My immersion clients tell me things like:

Sally Thomas

“I don't have many safe spaces in my day to day life. Lauren gave me a much needed retreat from my stressful environment and helped me explore the roots of those stresses. I feel more at ease now. Combine that with her amazing massage skills and my experience with Lauren was truly transformative”